National Frozen Yogurt Day

Yogurtland is celebrating National Frozen Yogurt Day today. Stop by your local Yogurtland and snag some free frozen yogurt!

National Frozen Yogurt Day2017-02-11T05:49:15+00:00

My Dunkin Donuts Santa Monica Trip

Dunkin Donuts Santa Monica When I first heard that Dunkin Donuts was coming to Santa Monica I did my happy donuts dance. I'm from the east coast and was weened on Dunkin Donuts. Of course I also come from a family of diabetics, but never mind that detail. Dunkin Donuts was coming to Santa Monica! The opening was insane. People slept out to be one of the first to get their hands on those glorious cake donuts. The first customer [...]

My Dunkin Donuts Santa Monica Trip2018-07-23T05:42:49+00:00

National Cheesecake Day 2014

Who Knew There Was a National Cheesecake Day? I'm back from vacation and what better way to kick off my return to the internet than to announce National Cheesecake Day. I had no idea there was a National Cheesecake Day but it doesn't surprise me. This year we celebrate all that is good about cheesecakes on July 30, 2014. I have no idea how this day started or how long people have been celebrating it. But if they want to [...]

National Cheesecake Day 20142017-02-11T05:49:23+00:00

Starbucks Disney – Dreams Do Come True

The other day I wrote about how you can get a free coffee at Starbucks by purchasing one of the new breakfast sandwiches. I said "if there's one thing I like more than Starbucks it's free stuff from Starbucks." Well, the one thing I like more than free stuff from Starbucks is a Starbucks Disney location. A Starbucks Disney Store That's right. Starbucks announced the opening of a store in Downtown Disneyland. It's two of my favorite things coming together for a [...]

Starbucks Disney – Dreams Do Come True2017-02-11T05:49:25+00:00

Free Coffee From Starbucks

If there's one thing I like more than Starbucks it's free stuff from Starbucks. To mark the debut of new premium breakfast sandwiches, on March 12- 14, customers can receive a free Grande (16 fl. oz.) brewed coffee with the purchase of any breakfast sandwich. Sweet. And what are the new sandwiches Starbucks is celebrating? I'm glad you asked. New Slow-Roasted Ham & Swiss : Italian-style slow-roasted ham served on a warm, buttery croissant bun with a perfectly cooked egg and [...]

Free Coffee From Starbucks2017-02-11T05:49:25+00:00

Sriracha Factory Tour

Sriracha fans hold on to your taste buds. Huy Fong Foods, the makers of Sriracha, is now offering free tours of its new 650,000-square-foot factory in Irwindale. Holy Willy Wonka! The Sriracha Cookbook Blog posted a letter it received from Huy Fong Foods. In the letter, the company explains how their new facility is ready to received visitors. "If you are interested in seeing how our Sriracha is made and how delicious is smells, we would cordially like to invite you, at [...]

Sriracha Factory Tour2020-02-20T06:07:04+00:00

Einstein Bros Bagels

Who doesn't like free stuff? Einstein Bros Bagels is giving away a free Thinstastic Bagel with Shmear tomorrow (1.15.14).

Einstein Bros Bagels2017-10-28T06:44:11+00:00

Alison Gold’s Cataclysmically Terrible New Single – “Chinese Food”   Oh my god! Ark Factory Music, who brought us Rebecca Black's preadolescent crap song "Friday," have outdone themselves with the release of Alison Gold's single "Chinese Food." I don't really know where to begin. The "Chinese Food" video is so cataclysmically terrible it's hard to stop watching it. Every second that goes by you're thinking "Oh my god, they didn't just do that, did they?" In the video, Gold, after a night of balling and clubbing [...]

Alison Gold’s Cataclysmically Terrible New Single – “Chinese Food”2023-11-16T00:56:12+00:00

Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes

The Mid-Autumn Festival is nearly upon us (Sept 19) and that means it's time to buy some mooncakes. Mooncakes are like the Chinese version of fruitcakes. Yummy in theory. Not so yummy in practice. In China, however, you can get your hands on some uber-yummy mooncakes, thanks to some U.S. food giants. Häagen-Dazs Signature Ice Cream Mooncakes. Who knew the little company from the Bronx made mooncakes? And word on the street is they are Yum - Me. I mean, who [...]

Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes2023-04-05T00:12:20+00:00

Vive La France! Bastille Day 2013

Bastille Day is nearly upon us. Here's a link to my Hubpages article about how to celebrate Bastille Day.

Vive La France! Bastille Day 20132015-03-27T07:18:22+00:00
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