Thankful for 2014

As we wrap up 2014 and move onto 2015, I thought I’d post about what I have been thankful for in 2014. I apologize in advance if this list becomes mushy and maudlin.

First, I’m thankful for my family and friends. You all bring joy to my life. Some of you bring a pot roast. I like the pot roast bearing friends a bit more.

I’m thankful for all of the theatres that are producing Around the World in 80 Days this season, putting me into the Top 10 Most Produced Plays list and the Top 30 Most Produced Playwrights list.

I can’t thank Florida Studio Theatre enough for producing the world premiere of my play Tom Jones. Everyone was incredibly supportive. And I’m immensely grateful for a killer cast who had to put up with my rewrites. Well, except for Faith Sandberg. She was a pain in the ass. (smiley emoticon goes here)

Florida Studio Theatre Tom JonesTom Jones

I’m thankful for the Commonweal Theatre for their generous hospitality when they flew me in to see their production of Around the World in 80 Days and to be part of their Sunday Salon series. I’m grateful for all of the new friends I made at the Commonweal. Although one of you still owes me $5.00.

Around the World in 80 DaysThe uncommonly wonderful Commonweal folks.

Jen Waldman and everyone at the Hangar Theatre for inviting me out to see their production of Around the World in 80 Days, to be part of a Sunday talkback, and to do a reading of the first act of my play The Quest for Don Quixote. I had a fantastic time in Ithaca. Thankfully I found a bagel shop that had the Netherlands game on TV.

Mark BrownMe and Jen Waldman

I’m extremely grateful for TheatreSquared in Fayetteville, Arkansas for inviting me out to see their production of Around the World in 80 Days, to be part of two audience talkbacks, to be a guest speaker at the University of Arkansas, and to do a reading of my play The Quest for Don Quixote. (I added a second act since the reading at The Hangar). Everyone there was incredibly gracious and I’m thankful for making new friends. I’m incredibly thankful that the production of 80 Days accomplished an extraordinary feat which will never be duplicated. I’m also thankful no one there told me to my face that I’m a dim-witted twit.

Thankful forPontificating at TheatreSquared

I’m grateful for the Erzurum State Theatre in Erzurum, Turkey for doing the first production of Around the World in 80 Days translated into a foreign language.

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I’m thankful for the German National Football team for winning the World Cup.

Thankful ForWerden wir die Weltherrschaft haben, wenn es uns umbringt.

I can’t thank Eric and Andrea Miehlisch enough for inviting me out to their turkey farm in Lanesboro, MN to watch the final match of said World Cup.

I’m incredibly thankful for my publishers Dramatic Publishing and Samuel French.

I’m thankful I have a good therapist and psychiatrist. Without the two of them I wouldn’t be here.

Thankful forI also liked to thank the makers of Lamictal for the same reason.

Thank you to Anny Lin and everyone at the Tea Station in Alhambra. I’ve been a regular there for over 10 years and you still put up with me.

Thankful for

I’m thankful for sodium and sugar being such a big part of my life. Sadly, it looks like our friendship is about to become awkward.

I’m grateful for everyone at The Mighty Boba Truck for being in Burbank every Wednesday. You’re my post-therapy treat.

Thankful for

I’m indebted to whoever invented boba. Whomever?

I’m thankful Mark Shanahan was a big part of my 2014. His friendship and creativity know no bounds. Well, now that I think about it, they do know bounds. Especially the friendship part. Bastard.

2014 was the year of Bruce Warren. You want a good 2015? Get yourself a Bruce Warren.

theatresquaredMark Shanahan, me, Bruce Warren

I’m thankful Uma Thurman called off her engagement to Arpad Busson for a second time in 2014. There’s still hope Uma and I will wed each other and live in marital bliss.

Thankful for


Thank you Lucy Liu for not filing that restraining order.

Thankful for

Thank you to everyone for a lovely 2014. Here’s to a happy 2015.

And in the immortal words of Tiny Tim, “Who stole my damn crutch?”