China’s Five Year Plan Video Is Trippy, Man

China's Five Year Plan Video is a Trip to 1973 How do you make China’s 13th five-year plan, a far too dense document laying out the country’s future economic strategy from 2015-2020, appeal to the masses? Make a crazy ass video that's the love child of Schoolhouse Rock and Joseph Goebbels. “If you wanna know what China’s gonna do, best pay attention to the shí sān wǔ.” Shí sān wǔ are the Chinese words for "13-five." So you better pay attention to it, man. [...]

China’s Five Year Plan Video Is Trippy, Man2017-02-11T05:49:11+00:00

Abandoned-Baby Station Receives 51 Kids in 13 Days

China has been rolling out  safe havens, little shelters, where parents can abandon their child without fear of facing charges or revealing their identity.  At Guangzhou's first safe haven,  51 children were abandoned in the first 13 days of operation, according to China Daily. Not all the children were babies. Some were 5 and 6 years old. But all of the children were critically ill or disabled. There's been a lot of controversy about the program, as some feel it will just [...]

Abandoned-Baby Station Receives 51 Kids in 13 Days2019-01-21T06:43:22+00:00

Alison Gold’s Cataclysmically Terrible New Single – “Chinese Food”   Oh my god! Ark Factory Music, who brought us Rebecca Black's preadolescent crap song "Friday," have outdone themselves with the release of Alison Gold's single "Chinese Food." I don't really know where to begin. The "Chinese Food" video is so cataclysmically terrible it's hard to stop watching it. Every second that goes by you're thinking "Oh my god, they didn't just do that, did they?" In the video, Gold, after a night of balling and clubbing [...]

Alison Gold’s Cataclysmically Terrible New Single – “Chinese Food”2023-11-16T00:56:12+00:00

Marvels & Monsters Preview Reception

This Thursday come on down to the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles to see the amaze-balls Marcus Choi and Jon Jon Briones sing my song Evil is a Yellow Face for the Preview Reception for Marvels & Monsters: Unmasking Asian Images in U.S. Comics, 1942-1986. Marcus, Jon Jon, and I rehearsed the song today and they made me laugh pretty hard. Marcus is playing the arch-villain Ming the Merciless and Jon Jon is playing the insidious Fu Manchu. Marcus [...]

Marvels & Monsters Preview Reception2017-02-11T05:49:34+00:00

Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes

The Mid-Autumn Festival is nearly upon us (Sept 19) and that means it's time to buy some mooncakes. Mooncakes are like the Chinese version of fruitcakes. Yummy in theory. Not so yummy in practice. In China, however, you can get your hands on some uber-yummy mooncakes, thanks to some U.S. food giants. Häagen-Dazs Signature Ice Cream Mooncakes. Who knew the little company from the Bronx made mooncakes? And word on the street is they are Yum - Me. I mean, who [...]

Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes2023-04-05T00:12:20+00:00

Two Great Stories From Shanghaiist

I love Shanghaiist. If you have never been to their site and are a Sinophile like I am, hie thee to their site right away. Today there are two headlines that made me laugh out loud, The first: Survey: China is the World's Fourth 'Horniest' Country The survey was done by AskMen, China is the fourth horniest country. Who's first? Greece. I suppose they grew tired of the Occupy Greece movement and moved on to Occupy Vagistan. Here's what AskMen has to [...]

Two Great Stories From Shanghaiist2022-01-18T05:51:05+00:00
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