The Best Uptown Funk Mashup

What do you get when you combine Duran Duran’s Notorious. James Brown’s Get Up Offa That Thing. Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk?

The best Uptown Funk Mashup ever.

Yep, it’s Bruno Mars.

Uptown Funk Bruno Mars

James Brown.

Uptown Funk mashup

And Duran Duran.

Uptown Funk Duran Duran

In an Uptown Funk Mashup.

In can’t believe this video has fewer than 5000 views. It’s a fantastic mashup. You know, as far as mashups go.

The other version I like is Uptown Funk and and Walk the Dinosaur. Who remembers Walk the Dinosaur? Was (Not Was), baby.

And by the way, check out how Duran Duran has aged. Not bad.

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