Stupid People Monday

Mark Brown Writer

Welcome to Stupid People Monday, where I, against my better judgement, post about stupid people who walk among us.

Stupid People: Steve Santagati

First up is Steve Santagati, self-proclaimed #1 relationship expert in America and author of the book The Manual. This yahoo appeared on CNN with Amanda Seales to discuss the Hollaback video of a woman enduring hours of catcalling in New York City that went viral last week.

As soon as Steve Santagati opened his mouth it was evident that he is a complete idiot and a total d-bag. My favorite part was when he said, “Political correctness has gone too far. If you don’t like it as a woman, turn around and tell him to shut up. Stand up for yourself. Act like a strong woman …”

When Amanda Seales pointed out that a woman in Detroit was just killed for doing that (and another woman had her throat slashed for not going ton a date with a stranger) Stupid Steve said, “Then carry a gun.”

Oh Steve, you’re such a romantic.

Check out the whole segment here.

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Stupid People: James Manning

Oh my God I laughed my hind end off when I saw this. James Manning, the pastor who replaced Fred Phelps as the most hateful and wackiest pastor in America, has declared that Starbucks stores are ground zero for spreading Ebola. Seriously. Here’s what the serial nutjob had to say:

“Starbucks coffee stores are indeed ground zero for spreading Ebola and other diseases, because of the clientele of Starbucks. Generally upscaled [sic] sodomites who frequent Starbucks, who sit there with their computers and it’s a meeting place, they exchange a lot of body fluids, hands shaken and contact.”

Hey Starbucks, I have a new ad campaign for you.

Starbucks. A place to shake hands. Exchange body fluids. Get Ebola.

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