Hedgerow Theatre Company Goes Around the World

The Hedgerow Theatre Company in Rose Valley, PA is going Around the World in 80 Days. And according to the reviews they’re doing a bang up job of it.


“Director Damon Bonetti and his ensemble of five gifted comedic actors (portraying 39 characters) breathe great comedic life into Brown’s script, while still finding its heart.” ~ DC Metro

“It’s precisely the sort of thing you want to witness on a lazy summer night.” ~ Newsworks

The production stars:

Jared Reed as Phileas Fogg.
Sarah Knittel as Passepartout (In the past I’ve seen two different women play the role of Passepartout and both actresses killed it. I hear Sarah is doing the same).
Mark Swift as Detective Fix.
Hanna Gaffney as Aouda.
Zoran Kovcic as Everybody Else.


Damon Bonetti directs.
Set designer Shaun Yates
Sound designer Aaron Oster
Costume designer Janus Stefanowicz

Runs: July  6 – August 13.

And if you think the Hedgerow Theatre Company is some Johnny Come Lately theatre, you’re in for a big surprise. The theatre has been around since 1923! Yes, 1923!


Congratulations to everyone at the Hedgerow Theatre Company (especially the dressers, who are the real magicians of the show) for putting on such a wonderful production. Thanks so much.

*Just for fun, check out the Hedgerow Theatre blog and click the link on my name to see my alternate life as a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times.




