Tom Jones the Musical Fox Huntin’

Tom Jones the Musical Demo Sessions I was in NYC last week to record demos for my new musical, Tom Jones the Musical. Man that's a clever title. This week I've been writing a series of posts about those sessions. The other posts are:  Kerry Butler and Dan DeLuca recording “About You;” Anissa Felix and Josh Tolle recording “Digging a Hole in the Ground;" Janine LaManna, Anissa Felix and Cullen Titmas recording “Harlot Jenny Jones;” and Janine LaManna and Adam Kaplan singing "London [...]

Tom Jones the Musical Fox Huntin’2017-05-19T23:34:32+00:00

Tom Jones the Musical London Town

Tom Jones the Musical Demo Sessions I recently got back from NYC where I recorded several demos for my new show Tom Jones the Musical. I'm doing a series of posts as sort of a behind the scenes look at the sessions. The other posts are: Kerry Butler and Dan DeLuca recording "About You;" Anissa Felix and Josh Tolle recording "Digging a Hole in the Ground" and Janine LaManna, Anissa Felix and Cullen Titmas recording "Harlot Jenny Jones." Me and Jay, [...]

Tom Jones the Musical London Town2017-05-23T19:45:16+00:00

Tom Jones the Musical Harlot Jenny Jones

Tom Jones the Musical Demo Sessions This is my third post about the recent recording sessions we did for my show Tom Jones the Musical. These posts are a sort of behind the scenes look at the sessions. You can read the first post about Kerry Butler and Dan DeLuca recording the song "About You." And the second post about Anissa Felix and Josh Tolle recording "Digging a Hole in the Ground." The lovely, talented and most likely drunk Janine [...]

Tom Jones the Musical Harlot Jenny Jones2022-12-13T04:12:38+00:00

Tom Jones the Musical “Digging a Hole”

Tom Jones the Musical Demo Sessions This is the second installment about the recording session we did in NYC for my musical Tom Jones the Musical. Yesterday I wrote about the first song we recorded: "About You," sung by the incredibly talented Kerry Butler and Dan DeLuca. Digging a Hole in the Ground After we recorded Kerry, we moved onto "Digging a Hole in the Ground." This song takes place in the second act. Tom and Sophie come face to face for [...]

Tom Jones the Musical “Digging a Hole”2017-05-16T22:38:50+00:00

Tom Jones The Musical “About You”

Tom Jones The Musical Demo Sessions I just got back from NYC, where I spent three days in Mirrortone Studios recording demos for my musical Tom Jones The Musical (Clever title, huh?). We had a blast. I called up a bunch of my friends and asked if they would come in and record a song or two. I was shooting for a "concert" version of the musical, where the songs are sung by different people. They all said yes. I [...]

Tom Jones The Musical “About You”2017-05-16T17:25:09+00:00
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